Janders's Articles » Page 4
July 13, 2005 by Janders
I woke up Sunday morning about 3:20 am with strong regular contractions. I took a shower and brought the new puppy for a walk. By 5:00 my contractions were 4 minutes apart so I woke up Jaysen and he showered. I called the Dr. and we left around 6 am, droppped the puppy off at my parents, and off to the hospital we went. They checked me and I was dilated to four, so they gave us the good news that we were there to stay! I walked the halls stopping every few minutes to lean against Jay during ...
July 12, 2005 by Janders
Jayna Renee Anderson was Born Sunday July 10th at 1:54 pm. She weighed 6 lbs 15 oz. and is 20 1/4 in long. I will post more information with photos later. She is finally here!
July 8, 2005 by Janders
It is our cities celebration this week. Today there is sidewalk sales downtown, arts and crafts sales, a car show and outdoor music and dancing at the local bar. For Lunch Jay and I decided to go downtown and get some good old fair food! I got some roasted corn on the cob and a sno-cone, and Jay ate a corn dog. Unfortunatly it was warm and really muggy out, so the weather was not to appetizing. I may go back tonight for the "cruise night", and eat some more goodies, but Jay has to work, so...
July 6, 2005 by Janders
Tonight we had some friends over that we went to college with. We grilled and chatted, and played some scrabble. A low key night, but fun. I didn't really sleep last night. I had super intense contractions that kept me awake. (OUCH) I finally got the pain managable after a soak in the tub. It made the contractions managable, and they lasted all day, but they never regulated enough to warrent calling L&D. I have a check up tommorow. I really hope I have shown some progression, but am sta...
July 3, 2005 by Janders
it is about 8pm on July 3rd. I am thinking it would be awesome if I went into labor in the next few hours. Then I could have a little independece day baby! i have been feeling kind of sick today (somtimes a sign of labor) and having a lot of cramping and shooting back pains (another possible sign of impending labor). So I am hoping this could be very soon! I think it would be wonderful to have her tommorow. Fireworks on your birthday, it's a paid holiday, and who doesn't love fourth o...
June 29, 2005 by Janders
Alright Miss Dharma, I have to give you a hard time because you predicted I would be holding my little girl by today! While the night isn't over for another 4 hours.... I'm waiting!!! I did go to the Dr. today. I am still only a little over 2 cm dialated. I have no idea when she's will come. My Dr. thinks in the next weel, but she said to, they really never know.
June 28, 2005 by Janders
A Wisconsin woman gave birth to a baby that weighed almost 14 pounds this week. OUCH! She had a c-section, but that is a lot of baby! The baby doesn't even fit in newborn diapers or clothes and is already wearing size 3-6 months. ' I hope I have this baby before she gets that big! Look at the link to see the photo of one giant infant. http://www.themilwaukeechannel.com/news/4660578/detail.html?subid=22100414&qs=1;bp=t
June 27, 2005 by Janders
Tonight Jay was working and I was BORED. I decided I would install the base and car seat in our car. It has the latch system, so I really had to follow the directions closely. It was harder than I thought, but mostly because it is really hard to crawl around the back seat when you have a belly the size of Montana. It took me a long time, because I was triple checking EVERYTHING. After almost an hour, I was sweating to death, but it was IN. It's in there so tight, so I hope I did it right!...
June 26, 2005 by Janders
Friday night I was in Labor and Delivery. My contractions were 4 minute apart, and was having bloody show. (sorry if TMI) So I called my Dr. and they said to go in. They hooked me up to the moniters, and checked to see if I was leaking amniotic fluid. (I wasn't). But I had dialated 2 more cm since being seen in the clinic, and my contractions were regular and strong so they thought I was in Labor. After an hour and a half and I hadn't dialated any further, they wanted me to walk around the...
June 24, 2005 by Janders
I had my check up today. Baby is down really low, and very effaced. My cervix is very soft and starting to dialate! YAY! She said maybe in the next week, but she doesn't see me going past 2 weeks. Thank goodness. I had gained more weight and the baby is estimated to be about 7 1/2 pounds right now. (the margin of error in their estimates is a pound either way.) She said I have a pretty decent sized baby, who seems to be growing very well. She thinks if I can get a lot of good strong co...
June 23, 2005 by Janders
I think I should either stop answering the phone or change the message on our voice mail to go somthing like this.... "You have reached the Andersons, No Joey has not had the baby yet, and no we don't know when, If you are calling for any other reason please leave a message." You would think between 2 weeks of pre term labor, a full moon, a ton of walking, I would start laboring, but No. I think she will be staying in forever.
June 20, 2005 by Janders
I had to run to Target to pick up a few things I still needed to put in my hospital bag. When I came back home I found all the plactic/rubber parts of my brand new pump strewn across the kitchen and dining room. All chewed up and ruined. So basically $60.00 out the window. The damn cat stole it out of the bag it was in waiting to be sterilized. I am furious. It is not like I have a lot of extra money laying around since I had to start my maternity leave 3 weeks early. Now I have to buy a ne...
June 18, 2005 by Janders
After 3 trips to L&D, Two shots to stop my labor, a few days of bedrest and not being allowed to work, my baby is finally full term. 37 weeks and 1 day. And I have NO signs of labor now. Go figure. My contractions are irregular and my cervix is closed. Baby has been in position for a few weeks now, but is apparently comfy staying put. Grrrr... I really want to meet this little one, and was hoping I would be in labor by now. Instead my doctor thinks it will be at least a week, and I am a bi...
June 14, 2005 by Janders
This afternoon I received my first professional massage. My little sister gave me a gift certificate for an hour long pre-natal massage for my birthday. Wow... I think that I died and went to heaven. I have never been more relaxed in my life.
June 12, 2005 by Janders
This weekend was very busy. Saturday was my birthday and 2 graduation parties and Sunday (today) my aunt threw me a baby shower. On my birthday I got some really great and thoughtful gifts. My sister even got my an hour long prenatal massage!!!! I go to it on Tuesday, and am soooooo excited. Jaysen got me a beautiful silver engraved frame for the first picture of me and my daughter together. I also got a great subscribtion to Family Fun, and a gravity lounger for my deck! SOoooooo Comfy! I...