Jayna Renee Anderson was Born Sunday July 10th at 1:54 pm. She weighed 6 lbs 15 oz. and is 20 1/4 in long. I will post more information with photos later. She is finally here!
We had a horrible experience this morning. As I was cutting baby Jayna's little fingernails, she wiggled and mama cut her finger! There was a little blood and a lot of tears. (Although I was crying longer then her.) I can't believe I accidently hurt my precious girl. I am the worst mom ever.
Tonight as I swayed with me my sweet baby girl... I felt so overjoyed. Her head on my shoulder, feeling her satin-soft cheek against my own,Her fuzzy soft hair wispy on my chin, her hand resting on a familar place. I felt Love, over-powering, knock you on the floor type love. Seeing those little eyelids fluttering as she nodded off to dreamland... It doesn't get any better than that. I am the luckiest person in the world!
Jayna had her half year check up this week. She is 28 inches long and in the 97th percentile for height. She has gained 9 pounds in the last 6 months! She is growing so fast (to fast if you ask me!) She is sitting up now, loves to eat puffed brown rice, sweet potatoes and mama milk. She drinks from a cup quite well. She can zoom across the room by barrell-rolling. It is funny to watch. Her new thing this week is shaking her head no. She thinks its hilarious, and we have to agree! ...
I have not even had a chance to write or even check my email since I wrote that my Jayna was born! This last month has gone by so fast, it is unbelieveable. She is getting so big! Chubby cheeks and an extra chin! She is so fun, really starting to respond to mommy and daddy with smile and coos. She sleeps for 3-4 hours at a time now too. I am loving being a mama (though the early morning wake up and middle of the night feedings are rough.) I wish I could stop time for a while and keep her ...
Jayna has really discovered herself, and all the things she can do. She is overtaken the furniture, climbs up to the top of the couch, on top og the coffe table, up her larger toys... If its high she scales it.... She is obsessed with climbing, before I was obsessed with keeping her DOWN... but it seems like a lost cause and I may need to re-focus on teaching her to get down safely.... Let toddler-hood begin..........