Friday night I was in Labor and Delivery. My contractions were 4 minute apart, and was having bloody show. (sorry if TMI) So I called my Dr. and they said to go in.
They hooked me up to the moniters, and checked to see if I was leaking amniotic fluid. (I wasn't). But I had dialated 2 more cm since being seen in the clinic, and my contractions were regular and strong so they thought I was in Labor. After an hour and a half and I hadn't dialated any further, they wanted me to walk around the floor for an hour to try and speed things up. That brought on more painful contractions but didn't dialte me any further. Go Figutr.
So I got sent home. They said they would probabky see me later that night or the next day.They gave me somthing to sleep. I slept through the night Friday, and woke up with NO contractions. So the labor had stopped. Now its late Sunday night and no lobor signs. This baby is definatly on her own schedule.
I think I will walk around 3cm dialted for weeks. Oh Bother.