after a night of contractions.
Published on July 6, 2005 By Janders In Misc
Tonight we had some friends over that we went to college with. We grilled and chatted, and played some scrabble. A low key night, but fun.

I didn't really sleep last night. I had super intense contractions that kept me awake. (OUCH) I finally got the pain managable after a soak in the tub. It made the contractions managable, and they lasted all day, but they never regulated enough to warrent calling L&D.

I have a check up tommorow. I really hope I have shown some progression, but am starting to come to terms with the fact that she will come on her own time.

on Jul 06, 2005
So much for a fire-cracker.

I thought since you were out yesterday maybe....
on Jul 06, 2005

If you're contracting like that, it won't be much longer now.  Maybe at your checkup you can get your doctor to strip your membranes...sometimes that's enough to send an already contracting and dilating mom into full labor.

Make sure your hubby knows to post here when she does finally make her entrance so we can all celebrate too!

on Jul 07, 2005
Had my appt. today. Only dilated 1/2 cm more, but 80 % effaced. Dr doesn't know when I will go, but he thinks my labor will be fast. They also are going BACK to my July 15th due date, because they think that was most accurate. Whatever. It's not like she has a calender in there anyway!

My contractions were pretty regular tonight. 10 minutes apart for about 3 hours.

I am more relaxed about the whole "still being pg thing". At least Jaysen and I are getting lots of couple time together.
on Jul 07, 2005

(that's all) !

take care Jo