Janders's Articles In Health & Medicine
April 1, 2004 by Janders
I think I am dying. Okay maybe not dying, But I know I am sick. Instead of being smart and going to the doctor, I keep getting sicker. I have been having random bleeding all day, from my nose, my mouth and my ears. I think this can't be good. I don't really have a cough, but when I do cough, I cough up blood. This also can not be good. Also a freaky lump keeps growing on my jaw. I am convinced I have a tumor. Not good. (although a little hypochondriac) I also keep bruising horribly, I got ask...
May 1, 2004 by Janders
I am sick...AGAIN. I think all the stress lately caught up with my immune system, and BAM I have a horrible cold. I want to go outside and enjoy the nice spring day, but I am to sick. I don't understand how you can have a runny and a stuffy nose at the same time.... I took some cold medicine, and although my throat still hurt, my nose is not as much a problem... Although now I feel floaty... as you can probably tell from my writing. I am going to go take vitamins, and drink a gla...
August 5, 2004 by Janders
It is Thursday evening and I am on day three of a migrane. I am on my break of hours of dark and silence, which seem not to help the horrible pain in my head. Any migrane tips, or tips to help dizziness and nausea would be apprecitaed. I think I may go to the ER in a few hours if it won't subside a bit. I have to go for now, the lights are killing me.
September 20, 2004 by Janders
On Friday I was so excited to have a weekend off. Saturday and Sunday was the first weekend off I had in at least a month, so of course what happens..... I get sick. I was not feeling very well Friday night, not hungry, feeling lethargic. We went grocery shopping and by the time we got home, I went to bed, hoping to feel better in the morning. No Luck~ Woke up with a fever, sore throat, runny nose and feeling as if I had been hit by a mack truck. I canceled all my Saturday plans with fr...
September 22, 2004 by Janders
My wisdom teeth are ripping through my gums at this moment and causing me extreme amounts of pain. My wisdom teeth are finally coming in at the age of 22, and I need to get them out asap. Why do we even have wisdom teeth if most people just get them yanked out anyway? Maybe it is providing me the wisdom that when my future children are teething, not to get upset or annoyed when they scream, fuss and throw a fit. Getting teeth in hurts like nobodies business.... Owwwwww......... ...
September 7, 2005 by Janders
Last Friday my poor dad had to have surgery on his kidney. They went in and removed 22 stones from just one kidney. He still has to have the stones removed from his other kidney, but they only do one at a time. 22 kidney stones, I can't even imagine the pain it was causing. Some were deeply embedded in the kidney and the tissue had to be lasered out. OUCH! I am taking to have a stint removed tommrow.. I have never seen my dad hurting so much.... Please keep him in your prayers!
May 31, 2005 by Janders
Yesterday I started having a lot of hard contractions, that came every five-eight minutes, so off to L&D we went. When they hooked me up to the moniter I couldn't believe how much I was contracting, I had only been marking the strong ones. They checked my cervix, which was "tunneling" but not dialated, and ran some tests. While waiting for the tests they gave me a shot to relax my uterus, but it didn't work long. I had about a 20 minute period with no strong contractions, then they started ...
April 25, 2005 by Janders
Between this little girl kicking me in the lungs and ribs, the constant heartburn and now a upper respiratory cold, I feel like I will never catch my breath. My chest is sooo tight I feel like I am being squeezed by a boa constrictor.... It reminds me of that kids poem (or was it a song) ***I'm being swallowed by a boa constrictor and I don't like it one bit!**** I am forced to sleep in a semi upright position or I wake up gasping for air. Yuck! Is it July yet???
April 8, 2005 by Janders
Alas the nausea has returned. I thought it was gone, at least it had been for the 3 months. But that is no more. It has returned!!!!! The dizziness and gagging is back, but at least I can still eat. So my whining list of "ailments" is as follows ~ Nausea ~Back pain ~headaches ~Im a fatty ~Itchy ~crazy hair ~giant boobs ~heartburn ~hot flashes ~can't sleep ~basically uncomfortable ~Moody ~weepy ~irritable ~my innie is now an outie ~big feet ~congestion ~Oh did I mention ...
April 7, 2005 by Janders
That is me, a pregnant woman on fire. I never thought at 22 I would be experiencing such horrible heartburn and hot flashes. Pregnancy REALLY changes your body. I have no temp. control right now, I am either boiling hot or freezing. My chest is on fire whenever I eat, or lay down which has made falling asleep next to impossible! 3 more months till I get to hold that baby girl in my arms...... 3 more months that the temp just keeps gettting hotter!!!
March 19, 2005 by Janders
I am at a little over 23 weeks, and have gained at least 15 pounds in this pregnancy. I never knew a baby that only weighs a pound could be so heavy! My back is killing me, my chest is heavy, my huge belly is even heavier. I am actually becoming to big for a few of my maternity clothes! I have been congested for 3 months, I don't remember what its like to breathe out of my nose. I have a leaky boobs, and everytime I sneeze I am afraid I will wet my pants. (Which you think wouldn't b...
December 6, 2004 by Janders
Last Friday and Saturday were great days. I felt good, wasn't nauseous, and ate well. I had a lot of energy, and even went out to dinner with Jays parents Friday night, and went looking for cribs with my parents on Saturday. Then I paid for my two good days with two bad. Yesterday I felt lethargic all day, full of body aches and crabby to boot. I was restless all night and kept waking up every 2 hours. Then today I felt lethargic and still achey, nauseous, and found it hard to eat much. Th...
November 18, 2004 by Janders
During this last week it seems my sense of smell has heightend. It is a pain in the butt! All these smells are making me puke! I catch a whiff of somthing, and all of a sudden I am sick to my stomach. The smell of dish soap, pickles, food cooking, or other things that normally don't bother me, send me in a nausous tail spin.. I have all the air filters on in the house... but it seems my nose will find somthing offensive, no matter what I do.
October 8, 2004 by Janders
As a disclaimer, I am hearing and this is my opionion. I apoligize in advanced if it offends anyone. A discussion among friends and myself, along with the AWARE Fair tommorow, has really got me fired up on the subject of cochlear implants (CI) in deaf children. I am completly against implants in deaf children. I think it is invasive, not effective, and a slap in the face to deaf culture. In adults, I flex my opinion a bit more, because I think as an adult you can make an informed deci...