I can not for the life of me, get photos to post on my blog? Any tips?
I just noticed that My JoeUser rank at the moment is 29. That is the highest it has ever been. Strange that is gets higher as I feel like I am on JoeU less and less. But I am happy to be moving on up!
Recently I wrote an article about how I was angy when someone parked in my spot I pay for. Link A certian blogger (we will call him MJ) felt the need to leave irrelevent comments in my blog "I can understand you being mad... I mean, really I do. But THAT mad? Mad enough to rant about it? Sounds like someone needs to have a few of life's conveniences taken away for a while... There are a couple hundred thousand troops in the middle east right now that would LOVE to trade places ...
On March 4th 2004, My blog was born. Five and a half months later, I am on my 100th article. I didn't really know what I expected when I came to JoeUser. I started because I often read my cousin Jamie's blog, and branched off to read many of the other talented writers here. I have met some awesome friends who have helped me through some tough times, and shared my joy through the happy times. I feel proud to be part of the JoeU sisterhood. So this is one of my many JoeU milestones, we...
Does anyone actually read my blog anymore? It seems like my regulars have droppes off, and no one really reads my blog anymore. So I am whining! What should I do to get you to read my stuff again. I guess I am just not very interesting?
So most of you all are aware of the current joe user drama that has been unfolding. I feel really upset by this situation, because I have spent emotion and prayer for somebody who alledgedly is only making up characters. Does Joeuser have a policy against people who make up crap like this? Is this what we want our community to be? A bunch of lies, where "real" relationships can't be formed because there are psycho's out there that make up LIES? I understand on the internet as in l...
Emma Leigh and Karen aka Simple Things and Dharma, where are you? I have not see you around JoeU for a few days, just miss your clever comments and such! Hope you are both okay and are having a good weekend! ~JoLynda
I just wanted to let Karen the blogger who we used to know as Dharma how much I appreciate her and think she is such an asset to JoeUser. She consistantly writes original and interesting blogs, Is open and caring towards all and cares a lot about her fellow blogger. Dharma~ I love you dear and I know a lot of others do to!
I feel very lucky because I noticed that Jaime Burnside put me in his favorite blogs. This might not be a big deal to some people but it is huge to me. So thank you Jaime!
I am back from an absence that was not chosen by me. I have been unable to log in to Joeuser for quite some time. Darn it! I noticed that is is really hard not to be able to put your 2 cents in when reading various articles. Well I am back so hello!
From what I understood it is supposed to be easier to post photos now, but I still can't! Can anyone help me?
Yay I am finally in the top fifty! My rank is 48 as of now..... Its about damn time!
Yahoo! I am almost in the top 100 of users, after posting this article I will be! Yay! I think my articles Are you passionate about politics?, and How are cultrural and racial bias formed?, really helped bring my rating up. SO thank you to all who commented and continue to comment on my blogs. In other news. My husband started a blog. : ) Check his out, his user name is Mr. Right!!!!