Published on August 1, 2004 By Janders In Blogging
Does anyone actually read my blog anymore? It seems like my regulars have droppes off, and no one really reads my blog anymore.

So I am whining! What should I do to get you to read my stuff again. I guess I am just not very interesting?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 01, 2004

I read em.. I just never comment much. (don't worry, I don't comment much for most people)
on Aug 01, 2004
Just don't go commit suicide over it, I mean things can always get worse.
on Aug 01, 2004

Always happy to help; I will forward you the email address to my paypal account; for a mere $1.00 a blog I will read every blog you write (comments cost extra; the first 25 words are free, after that it's a nickel per 10 words).

Sound like a deal?
on Aug 01, 2004
Gideon~ I'm begging for readership, but not addicted enough to pay people to read!

It just gets to a point where you think why bother even writing when nobody reads it anyway.
on Aug 01, 2004

*jumps up and down, waving arms in the air* I read you!!  I always read you!!!

on Aug 01, 2004
aaaah, I'm just having fun with ya, janders.

By the way, the majority of my blogs sink pretty fast as well, so don't feel bad (and yes, I always read your posts...I've even hit your blog site for the "archives" a time or two).
on Aug 01, 2004
Thanks guys.... I think its funny that the only time anyone comments is when I feel like it is pointless to write anymore. Thanks for letting me whine and be the center of attention for a moment!
on Aug 02, 2004
I also read you, along with a few others. shhh, don't tell work.
on Aug 02, 2004
I also read your blogs, but i don't always have an interesting comment, there are actually loads of peoples blogs I read but never comment, maybe I should start! I do think your stuff is fab though.
on Aug 02, 2004
I read you everyday and I get really bummed when you don't have new entries for a few days.

I may not ever have anything INTERESTING to reply with, but if it'll make you fell better I'll try really hard to find something completely smartassed to say about everything you write?

Just trying to do my part.
on Aug 02, 2004
Okay okay okay....

I will stop whining... Thank you all for reading!
on Aug 03, 2004
wait - you have a blog here? I just thought you were someone nice who just became a registered user to comment on my blog

hehe... your gorgeous Janders

on Aug 03, 2004
your gorgeous Janders

You made my night...... I bet you say that to all the girls..........
on Aug 03, 2004
I bet you say that to all the girls.

Nah, only the gorgeous ones

on Aug 03, 2004
What a smooth talker you are....

You are going to make me smitten!

I am sure Mr. Right would love my developing crush on you!
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