A rant..
Published on September 25, 2004 By Janders In Blogging
Recently I wrote an article about how I was angy when someone parked in my spot I pay for. Link A certian blogger (we will call him MJ) felt the need to leave irrelevent comments in my blog

"I can understand you being mad... I mean, really I do. But THAT mad? Mad enough to rant about it? Sounds like someone needs to have a few of life's conveniences taken away for a while...
There are a couple hundred thousand troops in the middle east right now that would LOVE to trade places with you... I know, cause I just got back from over there... and i gotta be honest with ya, there's not a lot that 'gets' to me... everyday i wake up and i'm just thankful for all the things I have... i don't waste time whining about things that aren't going my way. "

What does that have to do wih my parking spot? Nothing.

Apparently this person is better than all of us, and never complains. And apparently we all are not allowed to complain because there are troops in the middle east?

Last time I checked there will always people that have it worse than somebody, and I didn't think it was a "contest". There is always wars going on.... does that mean the rest of us forfeit the right to complain?

No! Last time I checked this was my blog, and I could wirte whatever I wanted. My parking spot has zero to do with anyones deployment.

I am grateful for those individuals that CHOOSE to be in the military, because it means I have the CHOICE not to.

Also last time I checked military service was not mandatory. The military is a job that individuals sign up for, and you must receive some benefit, (such as pay, housing, ect.) otherwise I doubt you would sign up. Granted you may not have choose to go oversees, but you obviuosly knew that was a chance when you enlisted.

But just because you CHOOSE to join, doesn't make you better than everyone else. I think Karen said it best, "Get off your high horse".

Just a little FYI Mr. MJ~ You find me that person who wasnts to "be in my shoes", Make sure you let them know a few things... They will have athritis, an autoimmune disorder, and be constantly ill, but still work a minimum of 40 hours a week for 8 bucks an hour. They can go through the death of their only child also. None of these are "convienent".

Now lets see...... John Doe writes a blog about how someone parks in his spot...... Do I go to his blog and write that well you shouldn't be that mad, because at least your only child didn't died. No, that would be absurd...

Just like saying you shouldn't be mad because there are troops oversees.

And that is my 2 cents about that!

on Sep 25, 2004
Bless your heart, Janders.

Last time I checked there will always people that have it worse than somebody, and I didn't think it was a "contest". There is always wars going on.... does that mean the rest of us forfeit the right to complain?


One of the great things about having a blog is that it gives you an outlet for thoughts and emotions that might otherwise be left to fester inside. We have all experienced tragedy and setbacks and difficulties in our lives. It doesn't mean that we can't be disappointed when they get our order wrong at Burger King or angry when our brakes go out on our vehicle or upset when we step in a pile of doody on our way to work.

Vent away, sweetie.
on Sep 25, 2004
Thanks tex~ Your the best.

I am thankful that your hubby fights for our country, and am grateful of the sacrifice you and your boys make so that he can do that....

But I will still bitch and vent

Love ya Miss Wahine
on Sep 25, 2004
Frankly...although I feel for families who miss their loved ones while they're gone...there wasn't any soldier in this war that was "forced" to enlist, you know? Every man and woman in the armed forces is in the military by choice. So...all I have to say is "Thank you!" to our troops and their families! And...

Because they're fighting for our freedom, YOU can say anything you want, Janders.
on Sep 26, 2004
I know a person like that. He always refers to those "poor african kids suffer more than us" each time I talk about my back pain, headache etc.
on Sep 26, 2004
Janders, I don't think imajinit should've written that on your blog, but I'm going to take a peaceful, fence-straddling (and perhaps painful) approach and say you ought to give him a second chance. He used to be on JU all the time before getting deployed to god knows where and he did just get back. I would imagine that it's a little hard to see what a soldier sees juxtaposed with the worries at home. That isn't to trivialize what you wrote--I posted there in your affirmation--but it's just to say, I guess, give him another chance to let him regain perspective. He's a good guy and you'll find, as he begins to blog more, that he's got some good insight. I don't blame you for being angry and it's hard to get over a bad first impression, but I like y'all and hate to get strung between fights (Muggaz and Gideon's was a bad one for me). Anyway, just try to give him a shot.

And I hope that if those punks ever park in your space again that you have either a pickax or a pebble to try that trick of letting the air out slowly.


on Sep 26, 2004
Anglo~ Just because I didn't like his comment and thought it was irrelevent, does not mean that I don't like him.
He is still welcome in my blog home.
on Sep 26, 2004
Right on. Mj should consider the poor hungry kids with worms in South America, Africa, and Alabama (Among other states)... the Troops have it better than them.I didn't think this was supposed to be a contest, but I guess some people just feel the need to push people down. And no, it is your blog. Say whatever you damnwell please. Chears to you hun! Hey, it's good to rant, at least you're not gunning random people down in the streets of wheveryoulive. MJ should thank his/her lucky stars wherever he/she is.
on Sep 28, 2004

Has MJ been back since he made that comment? 


on Sep 28, 2004

hmmm...  *scratches head in bewilderment*

it makes sense that you would be upset about what I posted on your other thread.  You're right, i was out of line, and perhaps a little harsh in how I wrote it.  I guess that's just kinda how I am.  my ex-girlfriend told me the same thing. 

Little Whip actually summed up the point I was trying to make much better than I could, but I'll re-iterate what she said anyway. 

Before I left for the sand, I was prone to getting upset over trivial things.  After 3 months over there, (i didn't even have it as bad as the Army or Marines), I'm incredibly thankful for the things i have here at home.  That's all I was trying to say. 

In all honesty, as we get older, most people come to realize that emotions like anger, rage, and hate are mostly wasted emotions.  What good comes from being furious?  Did your anger do anything to change those teenagers' behavior? 

I consider this open discussion, and i'm not trying to upset you.  If this comment is out of line as well, then feel free to delete it.  I was & I am just trying to offer another perspective, that is all.  I sincerely hope that I can hold on to this feeling that I have now for as long as possible... It's much easier to be happy when I'm not letting all of 'the little things' get me down.   

on Sep 28, 2004


Do understand that in northern cities a parking spot is a major thing. In many such cities over the wintertime, it is ILLEGAL to park on the city streets overnight (snowplows). And residents don't need to watch the parking lot until 3 AM when their spot clears up. People who don't come from such climates don't readily understand this.

At issue here is common courtesy; if you're in a private apartment complex, then taking a spot somebody PAID to have is not only rude, it is, as janders said, justification for having the vehicle towed.

on Sep 29, 2004

alright fine... *throws hands up*

i was driving the car alright?  it was me! 

You yankees can have your stress then... I think i'll stay down here in the South...
sweet tea anyone?

on Sep 30, 2004
Imaginit~ I understand, I just think you could have said it in a nicer way.... We are all good, I still like you, even when you make irrelevnt comments

Gid~ Your right, City parking is Nuts, I think there is an article I wrote last May about my car getting randomly towed off the street (which is why I now pay to park ) I live close to downtown, so most parking on my street is 2 hour parking and you have to move your car from side to side every few hours.... confusing! It makes me feel bad for immigrants who have trouble reading English, Because the parking signs are Parking Only 1-4pm Monday through Friday 2 hour limit, No parking any other time, and so on. Yikes! I live one block form the Minneapolis institute of art, so we get to deal with the fun suburban weekend visitors too! I am not looking foward to winter!