posting picures
Published on May 3, 2004 By Janders In Blogging
From what I understood it is supposed to be easier to post photos now, but I still can't!

Can anyone help me?

on May 03, 2004

There is a picture of a mountain and a sun in a little box in the toolbar that you use to write messages.

Assuming that you have saved the picture that you want to post to a (or other free site) homepage, you will have a http:// address for each picture posted.

After downloading the picture to geocities, open it up.  Copy the address bar.  Then paste the http:// address in the prompt after you "press" the "image" button.

It is a lot easier than inserting code had been.


on May 03, 2004
What are you doing? What isn't working. A little more info would be great.

You just need to have some webspace to upload the photo to, then know the URL of the photo. When you hit the IMAGE button put that URL in the blank and it should work.

on May 04, 2004
I wonder what type of computer and/or browser they have and if that would make a difference? I'm on a Mac and none of those message entering buttons work for me. I have to type everything by hand. Actually, even typing the HTML for italics and images hasn't been working lately-- at least as far as comments are concerned. Double
on May 04, 2004

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>


on May 04, 2004
That is what I have been doing.

Copying the geocities address for each photo.
Click on image.
Paste adress in prompt.
and nothing happens.
on May 04, 2004
Oh and I dont have a picture of a mountain or a sun?.........
on May 04, 2004
try right-clicking on the picture you want to post, select properties...... in the dialog box that opens, highlight the image/url location,(there may be quite a long string of text, so don't miss any of it) right click again (on the highlighted text) and select copy. Then, click on the picture link near the smilies here, and in that dialog box that opens, click paste, then hit ok. That should do it.

on May 04, 2004
I have tried using the URL and the properties URL. I dont have a picture link or a smilies option.....
on May 04, 2004
Ah.... apologies Janders, I stupidly presumed you were using the wincustomise/stardock browser. Thinking about it now, that was pretty dumb of me

I'm just so used to using it now, I forget that not everyone's using it. Silly me.
