Janders's Articles In Cats
April 7, 2004 by Janders
Truman is an outgoing guy, but a little shy of the camera... Truman checks Jaysen out~
October 5, 2004 by Janders
We have an absolutly crazy cat named Thomas Jefferson. He is about 10 or 11 months old and full of energy. He thinks the world is his toy, and although he has every cat toy ever made, he likes to play with household items. He has started stealing my tampons out of the bathroom cuboard. What a weirdo! I keep taking them away and tried locking him out of the bathroom, but he keeps sneaking in and grabing one out. Then he defends his "toy" and chases it around the house pushing it away from m...
August 2, 2006 by Janders
Yesterday we had a horrid incident. Our 4-year cat went nuts and started attacking my cousin. He bit her hand and scratched her arm. He also tried to attack my husband and me... chased us biting and growling.... We locked him up by himself for a night under a vets orders. Today he was back to his cuddley sweet self. We brought him to the vet, spent $200 on blood tests so they can rule out a thyroid or other organic cause. They said it could have been a seizure, and that it would requ...