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The life of Jayna's mommy.....
Must see TV NBC- fails again
Published on March 4, 2004 By
TV Shows
Must See TV Thursday night on NBC fails again......
Friends: Re-run SUPRISE SUPRISE! Of course they mask it with a veiwers favorite episode.... Give me a break, true fans would rather see a new episode than the same one again......
Will and Grace- I actually until last week did not know they were still making new episodes. The attempts at comedy between Will, Grace and Jack fall short of funny. Luckily Karen and Minnie Driver have great chemistry and make it bearable to watch. Although I think Karen has always been the star anyway.....
At least unlike friends there was a new episode. Will and Grace continued on their charade as "the flippers who care". And Karen is getting married. I just hope this isn't an effort to lessen Karens appearances, because as noted before She MAKES the show..... Jack and boyfriend decided they were moving to fast and are now not moving in together.
My shocking moment....
NO ER, we are not even graced with a re-run. Instead secret tapes of the late princess Diana. Now I liked princess Diana as well as the next person, but NOT in the ER time slot. For true ER fans this is sacreligous.
Yes.... It is sad and true.... I have nothing better to do than watch TV all the time. What can I say.... I am addicted!
Well I hope everyone can still manage to have a good night sans ER. Smiles to all!
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Living in Puppy hell
on Mar 04, 2004
WHAT!!!!! NO ER!!!!!!! I'm going to have withdrawl!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh well, I'll get my 'fix' tomrrow morning, courtesy of TNT.
Jamie Burnside
on Mar 04, 2004
I had my wife record ER on TNT for me this morning.
We had a late start at my school because of conferences on Wednesday, and I got caught up in the storylines. It just so happened that a season finale/ cliffhanger was on Wednesday. I needed some closure, so I asked her to record today's (Thursday's) shows.
Since ER wasn't on at nine, I watched my video.
After a twelve hour work day today, we'll have a day-off tomorrow, so I can continue the TNT ER. Yay!
on Mar 05, 2004
Lucky you a day off! Jaysen was also at school for 12 hours today. You teachers work your butt off. What time is ER in TNT?
on Mar 05, 2004
Depends on where you're at....i'm on Mountain Time and it starts at 8am here.
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