Or Don't keep heavy things on a high shelf!
Ok I think I need to learn the lesson of NOT keeping things that are heavy on shelve above my head!
I just had Jaysens tool box fall out of the hall closet and onto my foot, while tring to pull off a bag on the same shelf.
OWWWWWW! It hurts bad. I cant tell if it is worse when I put weight on it, I think it just plain hurts. THere is a nice little bruise already though!
You would think we would have learned this lesson before. I mean, Jaysen had the Iron fall on his head while putting sheets away in the linen closet, resulting in a concussion.
He had the griddle fall off a high shelf and give him a black eye.
We are being attacked by our household appliances!
I think tommorow morning will be make the cupboards safe day!