Ditto to what BlueDev said. I had our little guy in July (had two miscarriages before him) and it ended up a great time to have a baby. Summer babies are fun because you can take them outside and have them in just a diaper...gotta love naked babies!
I am sure a perfectly healthy bundle of joy will be in your future.
Oh sweetie....I'm sorry, number one, and number two...it will happen. One day when you have a house full of little Anderson's running around you look back on this and wonder why you were so worried.
Did you take a urine test or a blood one? How later are you? I had 2 negative urines and was 2 weeks late before I got a positive test with Shea.
Ok..urines don't always show positive the first try. They're more sensitive than they used to be, but they're not infallible, especially not this early.
Don't give up, it will happen. Pretty soon I'll be knitting for you and your Bambino......
sounds lovely !. your time will come, joey
mig XXX