Published on August 1, 2004 By Janders In Home & Family
I am very close to my family and love them dearly. I have been very busy and have not been able to see my family in a few weeks and I think I am going through withdrawl. First off, I love my family. We have our spats (well that is mostly just me and my sister), but i am lucky to be blessed with a good family.

My mom is my best friend. I feel like I can tell her everything. And although she looks down on me somtimes,(she thinks I give up to easy) I ussually repect her opinion of me. I often find myself wanting to call her just to chat, and vent about my day, but mostly to hear her voice. I also love scrapbooking with her. She is the queen of scrapbooking. She has millions of tools and Ideas to make the perfect book. My mom seems to love being a mom, and when I have my babies, I want to be just like her.

My dad is awesome. He is really funny and fun to be around. He is hilarious. He also is 40 going on 12, He is right out there on the boat tubing and skiing with my cousins and I, He has the energy of a toddler! He is very playful and it is fun to play games with him, cause he is always cracking great (yet sometimes corny) jokes. Meal times are a blast, I think his goal is to try and make us spit milk through our nose. Him and I really enjoy shopping together too. He is my favorite shopping buddy, we are both excellent bargain hunters.

My brother is 16, so he can be crabby at times, in a teenage boy fashion, but I lucked out. He is really funny and REALLY smart. ALl my car questions I call him first, he can do anything, I have to admit I take advantage of having a cheap mechanic quite often. I have not lived at home for the last four years, so our relationship is different, we didn't necessairly grow up together since he was still a kid when I moved out. He is turning into a nice young man. Every once in a while he will open up to me about girls or somthing and I feel special, since teenage boys aren't to fond of talking to their sisters. When i am down at my parents him and I will somtimes hang out (ussually just going to get car parts) but I enjoy being around him. He is a smart and witty guy, so I am glad we are starting to get to know eachother a bit more.

My sister is a different sort of relationship. I would describe it as like-hate. We seem to get along and tolerate eachother, or fight. I don't think she really likes me all that much. I used to make the effort to spend time with her and and get involved in her life, but I don't think she cares. So I guess I am done trying to force a relationship with her. I am just holding out hope that as she matures she may want me around again. She is a typical 19 year old girl, finding her own idenity, and obsessed with her boyfriend, and what ever he does. Everything else takes second to him lately. Maybe we don't see eye to eye because by that age i was settled down and engaged, had an idea of what i wanted in life. Hopefully she will want me around one day, and I will just be patient until that point.

Like I said, I have not seen my family for a few weeks and for me that is a lot. I am VERY close to them, and I feel like maybe I am feeling more stressed than usual because when I am around them I feel quite relaxed. Being around them is good therapy. My mom is such a good listener, she could be a therapist herself! My dad makes me laugh, and that is good medicine. And watching the man my baby brother is becoming makes me feel proud. Even my sister, I have hope that we will be friends again, and hope is somthing positive to hold on to.

So I hope to see them soon, then I will feel like me again!

on Aug 01, 2004
It sounds as if you have a real good relationship with the family Janders. Cherish it. Because when you get older, life seems to make you drift further apart. Maybe someday you will even learn to appreciate the love hate thing with your sis. I know i did with mine, even though shes still a pain in the you -know-what!

on Aug 01, 2004
Thanks, I do, it is one of the things that I am most greatful for.
on Aug 02, 2004
Aw, way to make your mom cry 1st thing in the morn. I am so looking forward to this week-end. I think it is the first time in a few years that you will all be at the lake. Mouse is engrossed with horse boy, but I recall you being pretty engrossed by Mr. Right. She may be settling down faster then we thought...Ryan was telling me just yesterday that his Grandma gave him her wedding ring, and Monica made a comment last week that she all of a sudden would love to be settled down and thinking about a family.

Sunday dinner was Boring with out you. You think dad and tj are funny, but you are the real wit of the family. We love and miss you to!

on Aug 02, 2004
I think I get my wit from dad.

Do you really think Monica is ready to be married? With her personality, I think she and Ryan need to be together more than 3 months before they get engaged or anything. I mean they both still live at home! I don't see her that mature yet I guess, since she can't even manage living on her own. That is just my opinion though.
on Aug 02, 2004
Hahah this conversation is funny, I think just because its taking place in a blog comment area.

I dont think shes ready to be married.. but what the heck do I know about the situation. NOTHING!

Love you both.