Why do things always want to happen on the same day. I have started a new job and I have my first Sat. Night closing shift coming up, which of course is on the same night as my audition for a runway show I really want to do. I need more current headshots for my Sat. audition which I can only go to if I can switch shifts with someone. Which is next to impossible because it is 1) a sat. night 2) only two other people in my store have the same position as me 3) is a later close than usual.
Of course there are 10 other thing I want to do Saturday also. BLAH! I am annoyed because everyone else gets every other weekend off, but because I take Sundays off to go to church, I have to work every Fri. and Sat. I have never ever worked on the Sabbath and am not about to start now. I feel like it is kind of discrimination that i am being punished for not wanting to break a commandment.
Now I see why they say you can't work and model at the same tiem. Clients want you to drop everything the second they call you and come to an auditon or tough cookies for you.