Random blog news
Published on March 24, 2004 By Janders In Blogging
Yahoo! I am almost in the top 100 of users, after posting this article I will be! Yay! I think my articles Are you passionate about politics?, and How are cultrural and racial bias formed?, really helped bring my rating up. SO thank you to all who commented and continue to comment on my blogs.

In other news. My husband started a blog. : ) Check his out, his user name is Mr. Right!!!!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 24, 2004
Congratulations on your attainment. I recall when I first noticed the rankings on the side and decided to 'go for it'. I sat up all night and posted. Then I got obssessed and wanted number 50, 40, 10 (ended up as high as 3). I had to go through withdrawal and make myself get off the site after a time. Hope to see you in the top 10 soon and your blogs are worthy of such reads. Have to go now because JillUser is trying to pass me for number 5.
on Mar 24, 2004
I'm trying to persuade my other half to get a blog.....we're having to live apart at the moment and I think it would be really cool if he got one so we could stop by each other's blogs...just another method of communication, you know?

Anyway, congrats on being in the top 100.
on Mar 24, 2004
Dharma you have given me an idea dear girl, i will try to persuade my dear wife to start a blog here - it will be most amusing
on Mar 24, 2004
You know, this kinda reminds me of who the Llama Faction started. I got a few of my friends, who just happen to be girls, interested in the site. Or at least two of them are interested i think. And one of my friends was trying to link me to the blog community he's in and i saw a link on that site that took me to the JoeUser Homepage and that's what started it for me. When I came, like some others can back up, it was easy to get to the top whatever. Now it take forever to get passed the next person because they want to get to the top too, which means they are blogging like crazy too. I was sadly only in 35 at my peak when i stopped for the little while i did. dang did I drop. It hurt my self confidence to see that I had to work my butt off again just to come cose to where I was.
Basically what I'm trying to say is way to go. I have the strangest feeling it's really hard to move up for you too. Keep up the good work and maybe I'll be fighting for a spot with you. I'm waiting to be surpassed again and I'm eager too.

P.S.- As if anyone cares, I have an article that I dearly enjoy called Why Teenagers Are The Way They Are. If you could could you read it for me? Just to help a feelow struggling blogger...

Capt. over and out! ™
on Mar 24, 2004
I'm trying to start my own blog, but it's not working Congrats though! This "Mr. Right" sounds like he knows what he's talking about...I'd like to subscribe to his newsletter
on Mar 24, 2004
I'm pretty greedy when it comes to telling people about my blogging activities. I like Joeuser a lot, and would mention it by name, but I'm not at ease with letting people I know in my 'real' life read my blog. I don't have anything to hide, obviously, but I wouldn't want to come to a point where I wouldn't want to post something that might be taken the wrong way without a lot of explanation.
on Mar 24, 2004
Lateman- Why wont your blog work? When it does I look foward to reading it!

Nicky G- I can understand that. I am kind of opposite, though. I seem to try and tell everyone I know about my blog. I figure the more they learn about me the better.
on Mar 24, 2004
Cap'n thanks for the message- When I fist joined the site, I really didn't care about ratings. I dont know why I do now. I guess it is addictive!!! Good luck with your blog, hopefully soon we will be fighting it out in the top 10!!!
on Mar 25, 2004
Woo Hoo! I got my username to work now, so expect my blog soon. Congrats again on your status.
on Mar 25, 2004
Lateman~ I am glad it is working.... I look foward to the new blog!
on Mar 25, 2004
Congrats on your ranking. To tell the truth I never paid any attention to the ranking before. Now I can't help but check it.
on Mar 25, 2004
Janders it's because you are a naturally competitive chap, which I admire immensely dear boy.
on Mar 25, 2004
I'm number 2! I'm number 2! Yay!

I was wondering why I had always been so high-up; but it just so happened that I got in on JoeUser on the bottom floor. One post a day seems to do it for me.

This article with all of its responses should give you a bit of a boost, eh?

My wife has a blog too, but it isn't in English. Sometimes I read it.
on Mar 25, 2004
Well, I hope I can just get up to the top 10. Don't worry, you'll keep rising if I can help it any.

Capt. over and out! ™
on Mar 26, 2004
Sir Peter~ Again I tell you, I AM NOT A MAN! I am very much female!!
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